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Get in touch...

Born in France, I dedicated myself to the community before travelling in different countries in the search of answers to the meaning of our life and our society. I settled in Ireland close to Galway where I lived on and off for around 7 years now.

Since I can recall, writing has always been my favorite medium to be creative and when I left my country, I realize that it wasn't enough anymore. Faced with the frustration and limitation of learning a new language and being immersed in a different settings, I felt I had to find another medium to express my need of creativity and art. I  came across an add about a course in Digital and Photographic techniques and apply for it. I connected strongly with the medium and when the opportunity arose I bought my own camera. I discovered how photography is a fabulous, wonderful and universal medium.

Most of my ideas come from the world and the many things that present themselves to me. I use photography as a means to express and explore all the small worlds that inhabit us and are present in our common world, mostly through art. In that sense the atmosphere, the sense of texture, the colors are really important. When I realized that with photography I could transform the reality into a complete fiction, I wanted to exploit that part and make it really present in all my work.


As a visual artist, my aim is to ascertain that there is different view to read the world and that a particular view is bound to our personal experience, who we are. What I create through the viewfinder is only real to me and the need to let my imagination run free despite the constant injunction to connect with others and the reality...  

Transforming the reality into something more beautiful, more meaningful...

and maybe more bearable ?

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